Mielestäni TET on meille tärkeä kokemus. Aluksi ajattelin, että mitä se on? Mutta se on todella mukava käytännön kurssi, varsinkin meidän (opiskelijoiden) tilanteessamme. No, mikä on TET? Anna minun selittää se! Se tarkoittaa työelämään tutustumista. Se on suomalaisille opiskelijoille suunniteltu työkokemus, ja meidän aikuisten opiskelijoiden on läpäistävä tämä kurssi.
Minulla oli pari ideaa viettää nämä kaksi viikkoa oman kiinnostukseni ja kokemukseni perusteella, joten minulla oli monia vaihtoehtoja, mutta päätin olla paikassa, joka on linjassa minun kanssani. Joten ensimmäinen vinkkini sinulle on, että sinun ei pitäisi valita vain paikkaa velvollisuudeksesi; valitse se, josta todella pidät, ja opi siitä tosielämässä.
Suoritin tämän kurssin XAMKin hankkeessa. Kävin eri paikoissa, itse asiassa ne tarjosivat tilanteen, että tutustuin heidän toimintaan ja tutustuin suomalaisiin työtapoihin.
Arvostan Otavan Opisto -tiimiä, joka tarjosi meille tämän mahdollisuuden. Kiitos!
Working Experience (TET) at THE HELPER-Project
I was sitting in the Xamk Mikkeli University lobby waiting for Henna the Helper agent. Like all of you, my mind’s thread dragged me to many unknown things. I just observed them and let them pass, because I know they are just thoughts and do not define me.
Meanwhile, I saw her. We sat in the cozy lounge of the university, and she talked about all the details that we were going through for the two weeks of TET (työelämään tutustuminen).
She started the meeting with a summary of what they do in Xamk. All was great; she introduced a variety of activities, like cultural, educational, and for example their activity in human health and their laboratory in Mikkeli city. Wow, it sounds interesting because it can be a rich working experience for me.
The Helper is a subset of the XAMK university under the supervision of Juvenia. The Helper team deals with different activities, and the Helper is in contact with other organizations and teams. One of the activities they are working on is related to immigrants and asylum seekers.
This team provides a wide range of services for these groups of people, such as how to find a job and, more importantly, how migrant mothers can find their place in Finland. They can also offer you places where you can have social activities, and this team also arranges different workshops to familiarize people with different activities and cultural events in Finland; actually, they are open to any suggestions from you to Help you and make any idea into reality.
We are students of a school as big as the world🌍
- What I have learned
Well, I believe that we are learning every moment, and this learning is like a hidden curriculum in education. We do not necessarily need to be in the classroom to learn something. Every interaction and conversation can be learning.
During my TET course, everything was like a reminder to me. There are some tips that I think can Help you in your TET life.
- The workplace already knows that you don’t know anything; it means that you are there to become aware of related jobs, and this tip can be applicable when you start any job in the future.
- Just be yourself, it helps you to be more open during your TET life.
- Be open to any lessons, suggestions, challenges, or even criticism.
- Do what you can when you are asked to do something; do not forget to ask for help if you need help.
- Have your idea and voice, don’t be shy. Tell what you think when you are asked to share your ideas. Have your impression.
- Share your ideas and suggestions with the team.
- Monitor yourself and your feelings in different situations, when you become stressed or when you get bored, all are signs for you to know better yourself.
- Enjoy what you do, and do it with passion, even if it is a simple activity.
- Don’t get hard on yourself. be patient.
- Learning is a never-ending activity, just learn and learn and learn.
A memory.
Good luck! Tsemppiä!
The text is written by Soodeh, who was a TET trainee in Juvenias Helper – project from 9.9.-20.9.2024.
Tekstin on kirjoittanut Soodeh, joka oli Juvenian Helper-hankkeessa TET-harjoittelijana 9.9.-20.9.2024.