Otavan Opisto in English

What is Otavan Opisto?

Located in the heart of the Lakeland district of eastern Finland in Mikkeli, Otavan Opisto (Otava Folk High School) has served students, young and old, from near and afar for over 120 years. As a part of the Finnish education system, folk high schools are learning institutions where one can broaden one’s horizons and social insights, as well as get more confidence in oneself. We recognise that learning is a lifelong process and diversity, one of our core values, is our strength along that path.

The education-for-all ideal is linked to the Nordic welfare state values we hold. Every person in the Finnish society has the right and opportunity during their lifetime to study and receive quality education. Otava Folk High School offers a number of fascinating educational courses for everyone to attend like Art of Hosting training, jazz musician groups and photography classes.

Otava Folk High School is actively applying phenomena based teaching and learning. This pedagogical tool aims to expand the student’s knowledge outside of the classroom. We are also involved in a number of projects in pedagogy, information and communications technology, and social media with partners from Finland and abroad.

Upper Secondary School

Finishing your upper secondary school studies can be done at Otava Folk High School. Tailored for adult students, you can as an upper secondary school student live on campus and study at your pace thanks to our online study programme.

Comprehensive School Programmes for Students with Immigrant Backgrounds

Otava Folk High School is the only school in the Mikkeli region that offers a comprehensive school programme for students with immigrant backgrounds. In these studies, Finnish culture and language form the basis of the study program.

People who still have to improve their Finnish language skills can apply in the preparatory phase of the studies. Students will attend a study group according to their abilities in language and writing skills. The studies will comply with the Finnish comprehensive education guidelines for adults.

Students can attend the studies while living at the folk high school campus. Some of the studies are organised in the city of Mikkeli. After finishing the comprehensive school programme, a student can apply to vocational or upper secondary school and continue their education in Finland. Certain proficiency level in Finnish is required to apply.

More info about the study groups can be found here.

Kuvassa Otavan Opiston monikulttuuristen perusopetuslinjojen opiskelijoita.

Online Comprehensive and Online Upper Secondary School

No matter how old you are, it is never too late to learn and complete a degree. Finishing your comprehensive or upper secondary school studies can be done at your pace and from the comfort of your home. Some of our students live and work in foreign countries as well as on campus.

Otavan Opisto is part of the greater administrative body of Otavia, which manages the online comprehensive and upper secondary studies in Nettiperuskoulu and Nettilukio respectively.

Want to know more?

For more general information about Otavan Opisto and applying to the studies, please refer to our contact information page by using the link below.

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